Congestion Pricing: anti-jamming strategy or just another campaign financing scheme? Take a ride on the transportation roller coaster to discover an alternative to this controversial transportation proposal. Animated with Caroline Samponaro.
More info on Congestion PricingMore info on Active Denial System
The animation is cute but I think perhaps its polarizing methods of aligning those for congestion pricing with President Bush and gross military expenditures (as well as the Darth Vader theme song) and pitting them against "the common good" simplifies a slightly more complicated situation. Congestion pricing seems to primarily tackle the issue of creating a more sustainable city. At least in New York City, it should not be a tax that severely hurts the lower classes--instead it targets upper and upper middle class commuters and puts pressure on the city for improving public transportation. Whether or not you believe the city is actually doing this for the altruistic, environmentally conscious reasons it claims to, I think that it is still a step in the right direction for creating a more sustainable future. I DO NOT think that our responsibilities as citizens, voters, and activists merely ends with the passing of congestion pricing. Rather, I think that we should be proactive about demanding this tax go toward avenues we deem appropriate, such as improving public transportation for commuters.
I am familiar with the work of Transportation Alternatives and I think that they do an effective job researching the issue, addressing common concerns, and articulating this viewpoint far more effectively than I can. I have included the link below.
Though please disregard my comment if I did not understand the video in its entirety--I just realized that the volume on my computer is broken and keeps cutting in and out.
also, this is my first time on your website - so again, sorry if my comment is ill-fitting.
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